Sunday, January 10, 2010

Some citation fixes and additions

I have made some emendations to earlier posts, adding or fixing citations.

1. Corrected a citation in the Wheeldon post.
2. Added a citation to the "music literal" post on Michael Spitzer's critique of the body analogy in musical analysis.
3a. Added a link in the first Riemannian hand post to a music file with a period-instrument performance.
3b. Added a graphic to the same post: an (admittedly whimsical) detail from Kupelwieser's watercolor showing the "Riemannian hand." See also the Gesellschaftspiel post.
4. Added comments on the F# group at the end of D365 and citation from Margaret Notley's article to the F-major post.
5. Added information and a link for the image in this Schubert-Kreis post.
6. Added clarifying information to the post on Empson.

Finally, here is a link to Franz M. Boehme's Geschichte des Tanzes in Deutschland on Google Books: link. A PDF file can be downloaded, or one can browse a scanned -- and as one might expect sometimes faulty -- plain text version in Google's reader.