The first waltz offers the classic play on ^5 and ^6 in its first strain, carrying the cadence up to ^7 (D#6) before "correcting" the register with an arpeggiated drop to E5. The second strain counters with a strong downward gesture from ^8. The bass in the final cadence is tailor-made for a compensating ascent (so, an overall ^8-^7-^6-^5 || ^5-^6-^7-^8) but Strauss the final notes down instead in an octaves-by-contrary-motion figure that is also a waltz cliché.

Number 2 couldn't make the ascent in the first strain any more obvious. The second strain, however, is clearly focused on G# and the expressive chromatic ascent at the end is a subordinate feature.

Number 3, on the other hand, has perhaps the most strongly emphasized final cadence gesture in the entire set.

The first strain of Number 4 balances ^3 and ^5 nicely, in the manner of many Strauss waltzes. The last phrase of the second strain involves a slightly elaborated rise from ^5.

The final waltz nearly completes the catalogue of Straussian cadence gestures -- here, ^8 is reached a bar early and ^7-^8 repeated over an emphatic V7-I.

The piano edition used here is Belgian (1850?), available on IMSLP.